At the time of posting the M Series Cats Mariella is still a work in progress. It may be that she will always be a work in progress. Not a design commissioned by any particular customer but rather a stretching of the original Maraya/Raku 66 concept and a manifestation of my own ideas, unrestrained by market forces or popular opinion.


If that rings a bell it's probably because of the coincidence of the design philosophy behind the 50' LOA Cut Loose, designed for Gary and Robin Martin with considerable input from Gary and meticulously built by Jamie Morris.


Mariella shares the primary styling theme and configuration with her three sister ships but is more focused on sailing dynamics, having a similar layout and rig but longer and finer hulls relative to the accommodation platform. 


For now Mariella is a fantasy project, a platform for fresh ideas and concepts. If she comes to fruition she will surely be the greyhound of the M Series.

Cutloose. Long and lean. Great performance with style and "enough" accommodation.