Zen and the art of MotorCycle Maintenance.
by Robert M Pirsig.
On the level of a novel about a motorocycle journey it's an easy and reasonably enjoyable read. Dig a bit deeper and you start to find a whole new way of looking at motorcycles and the world at large.
I've bought this book three or four times in my life and by the look of this edition I'm going to have to buy it again before too long.
Kevin Kelly
Kelly writes of human made technology as a living force and he makes some bold predictions about its future trajectories. Kelly puts forth a convincing argument that we can expand our human potential if we listen to what technology wants.
Kelly was cofounder of Wired and published this book in 2015. In the context of recent developments in computer science and neurology he was thinking ten years or more ahead of his time.
Christopher Alexander
Alexander presents a methodology that solves design problems in architecture and industrial design with diagrams, patterns and mathematics . Not an easy book to follow, at least not for me, but Alexander introduces a uniquely structured approach to finding solutions in design.
Of particular interest to me is how he compares the problem solving techniques of traditional cultures (which he refers to as unselfconscious) and technologically advanced cultures which he refers to as self conscious.
Neri Oxman
Yes I know its only supposed to be a catalogue of works but this book was not inexpensive and is so badly designed and presented it has turned me off buying books sight unseen on Amazon. You would expect better from MoMA
Neri Oxman's work with material science and its place in the natural world is visionary and absolutely inspirational.
Don't buy this book - check out her work on Social Media instead. Surely someone will produce a more professional presentation in print of Neri Oxman's work in the not too distant future.
R. Buckminster Fuller
A prolific thinker and creator, Bucky Fuller has been an inspirational force for designers, engineers and and architects for a couple of generations already.
I started reading him in my late teens and there's a wealth of literature out there about his life and work.
Lots of detail to dive into in this book. Highly recommended for inquisitive designers alongside pretty much any books that deal with the many and varied aspects of his work in design.
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